
Baseball Rules Keep Changing – Look at What is New This Year!

It’s fun to look back and see how the rules of baseball and equipment that is used has changed throughout the years. Not only has baseball equipment changed dramatically, but we’ve also seen rules drastically change as well. In the late 1870s, it took nine balls outside the strike zone to earn a walk. In 1880, the figure was lowered to eight balls; it slid down to six in 1884; five in 1887; and the current four-ball rule came into play in 1889.

In 1887, baseball experimented with a “four strikes and you’re out” rule. This rule lasted only one season.

The newest rule this year is the creation of a pitch clock: Pitchers will have 15 seconds with the bases empty and 20 seconds with a runner on. Pitchers must begin their motion in that time or be assessed as a ball. Batters not in the box by the eight-second mark will receive a strike.

What do you think of the new pitch clock rule for this year? Do you agree with the old rules being changed to what they are today?

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