
About Harley

Hi everyone. Welcome to my Baseball Equipment for all Ages website. As a grandfather of a now16-year-old, in his 8th year of organized baseball, I have been faced with the task of finding the right-sized, age appropriate gear for our budding baseball superstar! I found this to be a daunting task as there are so many styles, brands, models and more. I have invested hour upon hour of research time and purchased equipment that was either totally inadequate or just not appropriate before finally getting it right.

Over the past several years, I have learned a lot and I want to help others from having to learn the hard way, as I did.

It is my hope you will find this website informative and useful.

Watching my grandson play baseball is one of my greatest joys. It is my hope you find the same joy watching your prospective all-star!

There are so many choices.

It can be overwhelming. Whether your player is just starting out (this is the hardest group to know what they need) or a teen playing travel or high school baseball, the choices are endless and the options are mind boggling.

On this website, I have listed the different player age-groups and posted top-selections of equipment in the following categories: bats, gloves, helmets, cleats, batting gloves, equipment bags and position specific equipment. Of course, there are many more items out there, but these are, for the most part, the necessities for every age group.

“For the parent of a little leaguer, a baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into innings.” – Earl Wilson – former Detroit Tiger Pitcher.

We want them to have fun. We want them to experience the feeling of being part of a team. We want them to be safe.

There is nothing more thrilling than to see your child stick out their glove and look into it with such a sense of pride when they realize there is a ball in there! As they get older, watching their competitive senses take hold and seeing them give their all and strive to be the best they can be. — This is baseball. Our national pastime.

My goal:

The purpose of this site is to help you identify what type of equipment to choose for your player. To be able to compare several products in each category and choose what is best for your situation.

Most importantly, if you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best.



  • Bob

    Hi Harley! What a great idea for a site. Bobby is going to be 10 this year and I had to do a lot of research to find him the right size bat. Everything I need is here! I hope you are well

  • Harley

    Thanks Bob! Tyler is 12 now and I too have spent a lot of time researching equipment as he moves from one age group to the next. I wanted to create a site that would help people find answers and get suggestions quickly and easily.

  • Holly

    Hi Harley I emailed you and anyone else reading ?
    I’ve checked local sports stores, online and the alike and have been unsuccessful in finding size 9 toddler cleats for a girl. Does anyone know where I can find a pair?

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